東京ディズニーリゾートリゾートラインベイサイドステーション 14:53


Tokyo Disney Resort 2:53pm

The wedding reception finished. The slideshow was edited and could be screened on the same day without trouble. The after party is next.

Recently, the work of the reception MC has bothered me. That is similar to photographer as it’s judged by result of the day. The bride and groom may not care it because they will never have another wedding day.

When I see the MC’s work, someone who makes me feeling comfortable with calm voice can naturally get applause from the guests. In contrast, I would not like to hear a high pitched voice and gorgeous words. They want the guests to be exciting, but…
Today’s MC is male. He has a sense of humor and made good jokes.
I think that the bride and groom were so lucky while shooting.